

Professional users worldwide prefer SEBO, with good reason! Our success is due to our innovative products and our strong focus on quality. Modern technology, state-of-the-art design and consistent customer focus are found in all SEBO products. Try a SEBO Automatic X upright vacuum cleaner and you will be impressed by outstanding cleaning power, its first-class filtering system and ease of use.

The Automatic X vacuum cleaner is designed to give you optimal deep-cleaning performance and easily removes pet hair. Additional built-in standard features such as easy clog and brush removal, washable brush rollers and quiet operation make every SEBO pet-friendly.

The Automatic X has an ergonomic hand grip, convenient carrying handle, and a 40-foot cable.

The Automatic X vacuum cleaner is the most technically advanced upright vacuum cleaner in the world. Its ability to monitor the resistance of the brush roller against the floor allows it to raise or lower automatically to the proper cleaning height. This guarantees optimal cleaning performance on all types of carpet and flooring and protects the floor from damage.

Not only does it control the automatic height adjustment, it is equipped with warning systems and automatic shut-off capabilities that are designed to alert the user to machine problems, such as clogs, full bag, and brush obstructions.

With no belts on the brush roller, objects are easy to pull out without having to remove the brush.